The Gamification of Learning Materials Using AI Prompts on ChatGPT

Arkaprabha Pal
5 min readJun 15, 2024


Created by Arkaprabha Pal on MS Co-Pilot


In the ever-evolving landscape of education, traditional learning methods are being challenged by innovative approaches designed to engage and motivate students. One such approach that has gained significant traction is the gamification of learning materials. By incorporating game-like elements into educational content, educators can create an environment that is more enjoyable and more effective in promoting understanding and retention.

In this article, we will explore the concept of gamification in education through a specific example of a research paper with prompt engineering on ChatGPT and discuss how this method can revolutionise the learning experience.

Understanding Gamification

Gamification involves applying game design principles and mechanics in non-game contexts to enhance user engagement and motivation. In education, this means integrating points, levels, challenges, and rewards into the learning process. The primary goal is to make learning more interactive and enjoyable, increasing student engagement and improving outcomes.

The Game: An Example of Gamified Learning

To illustrate the power of gamification, let’s consider a game designed around a research paper titled “Learning from Ricardo: Wage and Labour in the Age of AI” by Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson. This game transforms a complex and potentially dry academic paper into an interactive quiz that makes learning more accessible and fun.

Game Overview

  • Objective: Engage with the themes of the research paper through interactive quizzes.
  • Basic Rules:
  1. Players create prompts based on themes discussed in the paper.
  2. The game responds with detailed explanations.
  3. From these explanations, multiple-choice questions are formulated.
  4. Players answer the questions to increase their score.
  • Bonus Features: Bonus questions related to specific themes offer extra points, adding layer of challenge and excitement.

How It Works

  1. Prompt Generation: The game begins with players generating prompts related to the paper’s themes. For example, a player might ask, “What does the author predict about wages in the AI revolution of the 21st century?”
  2. Detailed Explanations: The game responds with a comprehensive explanation based on the paper’s content, ensuring that players gain a deep understanding of the material.
  3. Multiple-Choice Questions: From the response, the game creates multiple-choice questions. For example:
  • According to the authors, what is a potential outcome of the AI revolution on wages?
  • A. Equal wage distribution across all job types
  • B. Wage polarisation
  • C. Universal increase in wages
  • D. Decrease in high-wage jobs

4. Scoring: Players answer the questions, and their scores increase with each correct answer. Bonus questions on specific themes can offer additional points, further incentivising engagement.


Benefits of Gamifying Learning Materials

1. Increased Engagement

Traditional learning methods can often be monotonous, leading to disengagement. Gamification introduces elements of fun and competition, making the learning process more dynamic and enjoyable. Students are more likely to participate actively and stay motivated.

2. Improved Retention

Interactive quizzes and challenges help reinforce learning. By repeatedly engaging with the material through different questions and scenarios, students are more likely to retain information. The immediate feedback the game provides also helps correct misconceptions and solidify knowledge.

3. Enhanced Focus

Gamified learning materials can improve focus by breaking complex topics into manageable chunks. The step-by-step progression through prompts and questions keeps students concentrated on specific aspects of the material, reducing the feeling overwhelmed.

4. Personalized Learning

Gamification allows for a more personalised learning experience. Players can choose prompts and themes that interest them, making the learning process more relevant and tailored to their needs. This personalisation can lead to a deeper understanding and greater interest in the subject matter.

5. Encourages Critical Thinking

The process of generating prompts and answering questions encourages critical thinking and analysis. Students must engage with the material more deeply, considering different perspectives and implications. This active involvement promotes a more thorough understanding of the subject.


The above example demonstrates how gamification can be successfully implemented to enhance the learning experience. As we continue to explore and innovate in educational methodologies, gamification stands out as a powerful tool to enrich the way we learn and teach.



Arkaprabha Pal

Digital Marketing. Generative AI. Photography. Political Economy. Millennial.Anime